Little Things You Can Do To Save Money In The Kitchen

Homemade stock. Homemade stock doesn't have to be an expensive endeavor. Save bones and wing tips, vegetable scraps, fish bones, and even pulp leftover from juicing in the freezer. When you have enough, you can make a quick stock, which will add tons of flavor to your food without affecting your wallet.

Cut down on waste. Food Network star Melissa d'Arabian saves money by storing leftover herbs in ice cube trays before they go bad. You can also save overripe bananas for smoothies and stale bread-turned-breadcrumbs in the freezer; almost everything in the kitchen has a second life. 


Couponing is back. Use online apps or cutouts from the newspaper and stack as many coupons as you can together.

Knife skills can pay off. Buy whole chicken, fish, and vegetables at a lower price than their pre-cut counterparts and break down the protein and vegetables yourself. Don't forget to save all of the scraps for stock!

This article was originally published March 18, 2015.