Easter's Coming, Should You Make A Rum-Glazed Ham?

If you are an Always Sunny fan, then you may remember the gang's trip to the Jersey Shore, and more importantly Frank's rum ham — which begs the question, "Do you need a rum ham?"

The short answer: yes. With Easter on our heels it's time to think about the most important part of your Easter celebration: the ham. As the centerpiece of your Easter table, and your special treat to commemorate the end of Lent, the ham is center stage for guests and those would-be food critics to scrutinize. Sure, you can buy a pre-cooked ham, mix a simple glaze, and bake until glistening. And then you can prepare an Easter ham.

It's not often that we turn to this crass bunch of television characters for cooking advice, but it's not every day that rum ham is in the picture. As it turns out, rum ham is a real thing, maybe not the way Frank prepared it, but Jamon Borracho or drunken ham is not just edible, it tastes good. There is even the added bonus of setting the ham on fire (aka flambéing the ham) to produce a beautiful glaze.

To be clear, we don't advise soaking your ham in rum — it almost certainly won't end well. Interested in making our version of a rum-glazed ham for Easter? Click here for the Rum (Glazed) Ham recipe.

Angela Carlos is the Cook Editor at The Daily Meal. Find her on Twitter and tweet @angelaccarlos.

The accompanying slideshow is provided by special contributor, Kristie Collado.