Dealing With Mold Near The Sink

Mold growing near the sink is not a sight that you would like to see, but it can happen. The important thing is to remain calm and deal with the problem, because mold is truly unpleasant to look at and it can stain the surface quite severely. The real danger comes from the fact that toxins released from mold can cause illness and allergies. This is why it is very important to treat the problem right away. While it is true that mold can present an issue, there are various precautions and ways of dealing with the situation that you can take in order to deal with the problem. Keep in mind that simple house cleaning service includes all-natural solutions which are quite effective at combating mold. You do not have to consider ammonia and bleach, which are usually the first tools that come in mind. They are toxic and require special handling. Instead read on for some simple and effective safe methods and solutions. – Make sure the environment is dry – mold thrives in wet areas; this is a known fact. This is why the issue is most often present near kitchen sinks and bathrooms. This is why you can consider acquiring a dehumidifier in order to keep humidity within acceptable levels. It can also help you greatly during domestic cleaning in that it will deal with the extra dampness of the room after you clean it. Try to find if there is faulty plumbing, which might be the cause of the extra humidity in the room. – Increase air circulation – since mold and mildew spores can end up in the air, you have to make sure you keep fresh air circulating in your rooms as often as possible. This is important not only because of mold and mildew danger, but because of home cleaning too – the air will be saturated with fumes from the solutions used. – Tea tree oil – this is an all-natural fungicide, which does an excellent job in cleaning mold and mildew. Using it is very simple pour ten drops in a spray bottle and add water. Mix it well and use it just like in any other home cleaning task – spray it over the problematic area, wait few minutes for the solution to do its job and then scrub it. Repeat till you clear the area of any mold and mildew. – Vinegar – you probably already know that white vinegar can be used in various kitchen cleaning tasks. You can add one more use of this champion among the all-purpose cleaners – dealing with mold and mildew. When it comes to this, you don't have to even mix it with anything, just apply it in the area where mold and mildew is located and let it sit for several minutes so that it can dissolve the fungus. Simple as that. – Distilled ethanol – an alternative to using white vinegar. Distilled alcohol works just as well for killing fungus, as they can be quite toxic to it. Inexpensive spirits will work as well. Keep these techniques and solutions in mind and you will never have to fear mold in your home. They offer prevention as well as treatment methods when a problem is evident.