5 Surprising Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Everyone dreams of a healthy life. An economy cannot be driven by unhealthy citizens; therefore, all over the world, governments and governing authorities have put measures in place to improve the health of their citizens. Creating public awareness on the need to take care of their health is the key to realizing a healthy nation. For an overall healthy condition, you have to engage in some healthy lifestyle habits and activities such as healthy dieting and engaging in routine workout. In addition, you have to drop all the unhealthy habits such as heavy alcohol drinking and smoking. A healthy life incorporates a combination of various activities and habits that you have to observe or follow throughout your lifetime. Although most specialists advocate for healthy dieting for a health condition, there are other ways of checking your health that does not necessarily involve healthy dieting. In most cases, a healthy diet does not necessarily prove successful as a measure to check your health because most people do not follow the right dieting habits.

1. Journal your food
Keeping a  record of everything you take is critical for reference purposes. With a clear and truthful food journal you can effectively gauge your food intake more precisely. Ensure you keep a record of each time you eat, what type of food you eat and the amount of calorie intake. Also, record each time you engage in unhealthy dieting habits such as eating junk or sugary foods. This way, you can develop a dietary pattern that is safe and healthy for you without necessary dieting. Also, you are more honest about whatever you eat and you are more likely to participate in healthy eating since you are recording everything you consume, including weight loss supplements and you might develop a fear of how people would treat you if they come across your food journal.

2. Get your rest
In the recent days, most people are engaged in their work both in the workplace and at home and often the necessity of having ample rest time. Lack of sufficient rest time does not only lead to excess stress and depression accumulation but also other unhealthy conditions. Having quality and interrupted sleep is the only way to have quality sleep. During sleep, most of the activities and processes in the body are shutdown; therefore, giving your body time to rest and regenerate. In addition, according to specialists, lack of quality and sufficient rest can lead to weight gain; a healthy depleting condition that you should avoid at all cost.

3. Give in to cravings
There are some forces such as cravings that most of us tend to ignore and keep at bay. You have to recognize that these forces are natural and to effectively keep them in check you have to give in to them at some times. You cannot realize the intensity of the cravings without letting it manifest. Cravings for people are different and come with varied intensities. Giving in to such cravings will allow you to have control over the cravings rather than ignoring them. Therefore, to effectively have control of the food cravings ensure you go for the safest alternative for your craving that does not contain more calories that can pose as a great danger to your health.

4. Take in a lot of water
Most of your body is composed of water. Also, water is a component that runs various processes in your body. Therefore, drinking a lot of water on a daily basis is critical to your health. Normally, adults are supposed to take in at least eight glasses of water daily. Ensure that you drink more than 8 glasses daily. Water has various benefits in the body that include excretion, facilitating efficient blood circulation, metabolism, digestion, body cooling and assimilation. Through excretion, your body effectively flushes out toxins that can be of significant damage to your health. Also, taking sufficient water keeps you full while at the same time giving you a clearer skin.

5. The buddy system
It is always good to have someone to watch your back. In most cases, people tend to sway off from their routine and engage in some unhealthy lifestyle habits. But with a partner to watch your back and share most things, it helps keep you in check. Some of the things you participate with your partner like walking or jogging are good for your weight loss process.  Your buddy can be your partner, friend or family friend whom you are sure you can be responsible for each other.

Maintaining a healthy condition is not a one time thing, rather it is a lifetime process that involves engaging in various activities that serve to improve the condition of your health. Although healthy dieting is one of the most important lifestyle activities in checking your health, there are other activities that you can participate in that does not necessarily incorporate dieting and still lose weight.


Author Bio
David Gomes completed his M.S Professional degree in California Institute of Technology. He is   a Health and Wellness expert. He lives in Oakland, California, USA. He loves to write on a variety of topics such as joint health, weight loss, beauty and skin care for blogs and on-line publication sites. He also loves latest technology, gadgets, fashion and style. You can connect with him on Facebook and Twitter.