Chef David Burke's Perfect Olympic Menu

When I think about designing a menu for the Olympics, there are two things that come to mind:


Scrambled Eggs
Eggs scrambled with goat cheese and bacon; finished with scallions and soy sauce.

The eggs in this amuse serve three purposes; they're high in protein so they're fueling the athlete, and they're also an international staple – everyone eats eggs. Finally, serving the eggs in an egg shell gives a nod to the French competing in the Olympics.

Click here to see David's Amuse-Bouche Scrambled Eggs Recipe.


Sea Bass

Steamed sea bass with tomato-miso vinaigrette and finished with lemongrass and ginger, served with a cucumber-mint salad.

This light dish is low in calories and gives a diverse taste of Japanese and Vietnamese cuisines.

Click here to see David's Tomato-Miso vinaigrette Recipe.


Rack of Lamb
Charred rack of lamb with curry oil and chilled yogurt.

The lamb and yogurt give a nod to the Greek culture of the Olympics, and the curry highlights the South East Asian and Indian cultures. Surprisingly lamb is appealing to and is eaten by more cultures than beef.

Click here to see David's Roasted Lamb with Bouquet of Vegetables Recipe.


Baked Alaska Parfait with Lemon and Jasmine Tea Merinque
A parfait glass layered with strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate ice creams, topped with a lemon and jasmine tea meringue and a flaming Jamaican rum float.

The different components of this dessert represent the five olympic rings in my mind. The parfait and the meringue pay homage to the French, the lemon and tea combination give a look to the English, and the jasmine represents the Chinese. Lastly, the Alaskan element gives a nod to the United States, and I like to think of the fast burning Jamaican rum as signifying one of my favorite Olympic athletes: Jamaican runner Usain Bolt. Better eat this fast if you want the gold, and for those of you who are feeling extra confident this year at the games, top it off with a little decorative gold leaf instead of a cherry. Torch it, raise it, and salute.

Click here to see David Burke's drawing of his Lemon and Jasmine Tea Parfait.


(Photos courtesy of Jerry Ruotola)


David Burke is a world-renowned chef and restaurateur. Visit his website and Facebook page, and follow him on Twitter @ChefDavidBurke