Cadbury Invents Melt-Resistant Chocolate

Cadbury is on the cutting edge of chocolate technology. The chocolate scientists (that's scientists who work on chocolate, not little scientists made of chocolate, which also sounds like a good idea) at its U.K. research facility say they've invented a new kind of chocolate bar that won't melt in hot weather, even if left outside in 104-degree weather for several hours.

The Times of India reports that the temperature-tolerant chocolate is designed for distribution in hot countries like India and Brazil, though chocolate experts told the paper that the new chocolate does not taste quite as good as regular chocolate.

Making the chocolate resistant to melting also has the unfortunate side effect of damaging that melt-in-your-mouth texture that's so appealing in good chocolate.

But according to The Telegraph, some U.K. citizens were upset to hear that the new chocolate won't be available to the sticky-fingered children of the U.K.

Tony Bilsborough, head of corporate affairs at Kraft Foods, which owns Cadbury, said there are no plans to sell the new chocolate in the U.K., where heat-damaged chocolate is rarely a problem and everybody already has access to the better-tasting regular Cadbury bars.

"This simply would not sell," he said.