Arsenic Was Found In Organic Baby Formula

Ever since studies showed that arsenic levels in apple juice were higher than FDA water standards, we've all been wondering where else arsenic has been sneaking into our diet.

Well, scary news — a study has found high levels of arsenic in cereal bars, energy shots, and infant baby formula. The culprit, researchers say, is organic brown rice syrup, which is often used as a "healthy" alternative to high-fructose corn syrup.

Recent studies have shown that rice could potenially be an unwanted source of arsenic in our diets. In a report published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, researchers found that products with organic brown rice syrup often had much higher arsenic levels than products without the syrup.

Some cereal bars even had arsenic levels 12 times the level of standard drinking water limits, researchers claim.

Even scarier, the majority of the arsenic found was inorganic arsenic, often linked to cancer, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

The researchers have called for arsenic limits in food, particularly when concerning infants. Perhaps the bill asking for arsenic limits on juice will be expanded to include children's food in general.

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