9 Food Beauty Myths

For some men and women, beauty comes naturally. For others, (not so lucky) seeking shiny hair, strong nails and a clear complexion takes research, time, products, and work. While most remedies can be bought within the aisles of drug stores, there are beauty "secrets" and rituals; concocted from pantry and refrigerator supplies, which are said to solve imperfections we find unsatisfactory.

Click here for 9 Food Beauty Myths (Slideshow)

We all want to better ourselves aesthetically: get rid wrinkles, undo sun damage, and tighten pores (to name a few). So why not do so with items we've already purchased, or that we can use in multiple ways?

While consuming various foods packed with vitamins and minerals have the ability boast beauty benefits from the inside out, applying certain edibles or incorporating ingredients for an aesthetic advantage does not always work. We've heard some fun ones: Beer (or mayo masks) for beautiful hair, tea bags for puffy eyes and lemon for lighter locks.

Although certain regimens work (and many are semi-helpful), there are a plethora of promises that go unfulfilled. Additionally, some ingredients used to create makeshift shampoos, conditioners, and lotions are costly — racking up bills much more expensive than the professionally bottled versions.

The following 10 rituals — interesting, intriguing, and potentially irritating — prove that some foods and beverages should be left for feasting, instead of recycled for the face or body. Rather than turning the kitchen into a science lab, and ultimately applying raw (or cooked) ingredients, save them for savoring, sautéing, and salting as they were originally intended to be used.

After all; as most food lovers would agree, baking a hearty meal or a sweet treat is more satisfying (and delicious) than scraping and scrubbing excess beauty batter out or off of one's pores!