8 Ways You Didn't Know You Could Use A Skillet

Sometimes, our kitchens can get a little cluttered with tools and gadgets that seemed like a good purchase, but just end up taking up valuable kitchen space. The best way to rid yourself of this habit is to start utilizing familiar tools for other purposes. The skillet, for example, is an underrated kitchen tool. Everyone has one and everyone cooks with one, but did you know that a skillet can be used for more than sautéing and searing?

Click here to see the 8 Ways You Didn't Know You Could Use a Skillet (Slideshow)

You don't need a fancy round pan made specifically for forming pizza dough and baking. You can form your dough and bake your pizza all in a large cast iron skillet. Another trick is to pack away all the specialty serving platters and plates and serve right in a skillet for a rustic approach and style. Eliminate baking pans and bake cornbread and cakes right in an oven-safe skillet. Beyond simply cooking, there are a variety of ways to use a skillet.

With a little ingenuity, resourcefulness, and thinking outside of the box, you can use your skillet (and other kitchen tools) for many things beyond their intended use.  Check out this list we have compiled of new ways to use your skillet. Clean out your kitchen and get rid of all the superfluous gadgets that you just don't need. But keep your skillet handy because you will want to keep this multifunctional tool.

Emily Jacobs is the Recipe editor at The Daily Meal. Follow her on Twitter @EmilyRecipes.