5 Tasty Indian-Inspired Vegan Recipes

Ethnically inspired dishes are a great way to experiment with new foods, spices, and flavors, and to shake up your meal routine.

Click here to see 5 Tasty Indian-Inspired Vegan Recipes

Indian dishes, in particular, are known for their intoxicating blend of spices and hearty ingredients, making them a great choice for cooking novices and culinary experts alike.

Another great thing about Indian cuisine is that it features some of the most plant-powered dishes around! With staples like lentils, chickpeas, potatoes, cauliflower, and other vegetables, some of your favorite Indian dishes are probably already vegetarian, if not vegan.

Aside from meat-based dishes, the main ingredients to watch out for, both in Indian restaurants and in your own cooking, are ghee and cream. When cooking at home, simply substitute a vegan margarine or plant-based oil (e.g. olive or canola) for ghee in recipes. When dining out, be sure to ask your server what type of oil or butter is used in preparation.

Likewise, watch out for dishes with creamy sauces (e.g. masala and curry), which may sometimes be made with cream or other dairy-based ingredients. Again, the best way to be sure of ingredients in a restaurant is to ask your server. At home, it's relatively easy to substitute a soy or coconut-based creamer (or full-fat coconut milk) for the cream in your recipes.

We've put together quite a diverse collection of Indian-inspired recipes. From dips and breads to entrées and desserts, you're sure to find a new favorite in the mix!

One Green Planet

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