5 Games For A Battle Of The Boy Bands Party

There is no loyalty greater than that of a fan girl to her favorite boy band. Almost every teen girl was an elitist when it came to her pop music of choice (even if that meant she secretly played the other band at home on her cassette player). Fainting, panting, crying — all were commonplace when your favorite band rolled into town. You can't deny the power of pop music, especially when it is fueled by boy bands. Knock them all you want, but from New Kids on the Block to One Direction, there will always be something about men in tight pants with the voices of angels that will make girls' hearts go a flutter.

In recent years, many boy bands have reunited after years on hiatus, but no reunion was as highly anticipated as *NSYNC's at the  MTV Video Music Awards on August 25th. While it only lasted a few seconds, seeing the boys back together was enough to make every girls' inner 12-year-old explode with joy. With the Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, Boyz II Men and the original boy band New Kids on the Block all rocking the tour circuit, we invite you to slip back into time and host a nostalgia party that will tear up your heart.

A battle of the boy bands game night is a great way for all generations to participate in an evening of boy band revelry. Send out invitations to your friends, inviting them to arrive in their favorite boy band shirt (homemade or vintage). Once they arrive, have them divide into teams and pit fans of different bands against each other. Have a voter box set up, preferably decorated with boy band photos, which will contain the tally points for the evening. Once the music is set to the perfect Pandora station, you can let the games begin! Here are some great ideas on how to battle it out and discover which band reigns supreme:

It would be impossible to determine whose vocal stylings should be regarded as top-notch, as half the room is already pitted against the performer. Instead, put everyone's devotion to the test by having teams take turns finishing the lyrics to songs without the help of a prompter. Each team member will get a point for every lyric sung correctly, while losers will get points deducted from their boy band team.

Boy bands are notorious for having less than stellar and rather wacky lyrics. Test your teammates' knowledge by having teams act out song titles from their favorite group. Keep it interesting by having friends act out their group's arch nemesis' songs and gaining points for every correctly guessed title.

Boy Band Trivia:
Before guests arrive, gather a list of interesting facts and make your own DIY trivia board game. Of course all of the questions should come from every boy bad represented, and players from opposing sides will have to guess the correct answer even if it isn't about their group.

Who Am I? Game:
This game  is easily converted into the perfect boy band battle game. Pick one name of a boy band member for each team playing, and stick that name on their forehead. Each person gets 20 "yes or no" questions to find out who they are, stopping only if they get a no.

Drinking Games:
Any classic drinking game will do, just bend the rules to your parties theme! For instance, when "questions" or "sentences" come up in the card game King's Cup, make sure everyone sticks to the boy band theme. For games like beer pong or flip cup, have guests sing a line from their favorite groups' discography. If they mess up the words, not only do they have to drink — they get points deducted from their group!