10 Of The Messiest Dishes To Make

We all take chances in life, especially with our cooking. Whether it's using a sharp blade or handling scorching-hot liquids, sometimes we put ourselves at risk when whipping up a great meal.

Click here to see the 10 Messiest Recipes to Make 

Not only can cooking be dangerous, but it can be messy, too.

No matter how many years you went to culinary school or how obsessive-compulsive you are about cleanliness, there are some recipes that are just going to get downright messy. Like breading chicken for example, because no matter how many times you try to remember to use your right hand for dry ingredients and your left for wet, you'll always end up with sticky and chunky gunk stuck to your fingers.  Or meatballs. How else are you going to mold that ground beef into perfect, neat little balls without diving in hands first into that ground beef and getting it all over your hands and under your finger nails? And don't get us started on mincing garlic, because the day someone figures out a cure for sticky-minced-garlic-hands syndrome is the day we are happy cooks.

Despite all of the whining, this rant isn't meant to turn you off from cooking, especially cooking these dishes. We couldn't live without these dishes, not only because of the way they taste when they're done but because they're some of the most creative and therapeutic recipes we like to work with. This is meant to celebrate these messy recipes in all of their glory, and to tell you that, hey, it's OK to get a little messy sometimes.

The Cook editors at The Daily Meal recently discovered a line of protective sleeves for our smartphones and tablets, to keep some of the mess off them in the kitchen. Enter our "No Mess iPad Mini" sweepstakes for a chance to win a whole line of Chef Sleeve products, along with an iPad Mini to try them out with. This promotional offer and sweepstakes is only available until May 27, so make sure to enter soon — and get cooking. 

Anne Dolce is the Cook editor at The Daily Meal. Follow her on Twitter @anniecdolce