10 Food-Themed Back-To-School Supplies

As your grill is cooling down, your schedule is amping up, and the challenging task of getting the kids back into school mode has begun. There are a few things we will certainly miss about summer: the pool parties, the barbecues, and of course the freedom. But with a new school year comes a new set of challenges that don't have to be painful. There is a great pleasure in packing the perfect un-swappable lunch, planning for the big bake sale, and getting kids ready for their first dance. And once you are through getting the uniforms hemmed and making sure they have their summer book report done, you get to take on one of the best back-to-school tasks: buying school supplies (and yes, we're totally serious).

Click here for 10 Food-Themed Back-to-School Supplies

There are a select group of people who get a thrill out of looking at a wall of stationery and school supplies — something about organization and color coordination calls to us this time of year. Whether you're reminiscing about the years of Lisa Frank supplies or are surrounded by the overwhelming amount of One Direction folders these days, it's fun to send your kids back to class in style and get them excited for school. 

Of course, we are extremely happy to report that food-friendly themes are gracing school supply shelves with everything from notebooks to pencil cases. What could be cuter than crayons shaped like pretzels or pencil sharpeners made in the likeness of an apple? Your kids will love these supplies and they will hopefully make them excited about participating in class.

For your mini gourmand, we have compiled a list of the yummiest-looking school supplies that will get them ready to dig into their school year.