10 Cutting-Edge Fast-Food Innovations Of 2013

So far this year, the fast-food industry has been transformed more than you may realize. Every week, new offerings from fast-food giants are being introduced, but in 2013, it seems as if a commitment has been made to be on the cutting edge not only of the fast-food world, but also of the culinary world at large. We've taken a look at every fast-food innovation this year, and have rounded up the top 10.

Click here to see the Cutting-Edge Fast-Food Innovations of 2013 (Slideshow)

When a fast-food giant rolls out a new product, it requires years and years of market research, development, testing, marketing, and distribution, and it's much more difficult than it seems. For example, if McDonald's decided that they wanted to include cilantro in just one of their items, whole farms would have to be bought, shipping lines would have to be implemented, and the sudden increase in demand would push up cilantro prices nationwide.

Also, rolling out new menu items is always a gamble, and a pricey one at that. While they're reluctant to share the exact price of rolling out a new item, fast-food giants often invest several million dollars in every new product they roll out. So when a product fails, it fails big. But more often than not, when a new item is added to the menu of a big chain, it's gone through so many rounds of market testing that the brand can be pretty much assured that it's going to sell.

From a french fry that absorbs less oil to KFC's experiment with a fast-casual concept, we've rounded up the top 10 cutting-edge fast-food innovations so far this year. Click here to see them all.